About April

My name is April

I am an intuitive channel of wisdom, joy and lightness of being.

I have consciously been on the path of ascension with https://alphaimaging.co.nz/ since 2019, and have passed the 6th initiation. I am now a channel for my Higher Self who is on the second ray of wisdom, joy and lightness of being. I have studied Reiki and many other energy healing modalities for over 17 years. In the beginning, I healed myself. This has given me wonderful positive health - emotionally, mentally, and physically!

I have clarity in my life, and I can live love and happiness easily and as a choice.

My spiritual journey has had some very interesting and great learning events from my physical health to spiritual health which has led me to this very moment. Everything has a reason, everything has a purpose even though we might not see it at the time. Each event has a timeline which leads to the next opening or growth on our inner and outer aspects of life.

I am here to help people understand, and heal from inside out, and truly live-love in their hearts via the wisdom, joy, and light guidance from my own Higher Self, Ascended Masters, Angels, and our guides.

April Rays, woman smiling wearing yellow shirt
April Rays, woman smiling wearing yellow shirt


  • Reiki Master

  • Seichim Reiki Master

  • Kundalini Reiki Master

  • Life Coach Practitioner

  • Spiritual Counselor

  • Channeler and Intuitive Healer

healing room with table, couch and massage table in pink
healing room with table, couch and massage table in pink